Hello, everyone.
Finished another cycle of the clinical trial. Actually felt pretty good most of the month. We were able to enjoy some social events...lunches and early suppers with pals, plus a couple of "mind expanding" functions like our church Games Night and a very interesting forum at the JFK library about Theodore Roosevelt. Who knew ol' Teddy could be so interesting?
We also had a fun bowling morning with the whole family at "Lanes and Games" in Cambridge. Most of us hadn't bowled in years....since it's New England-style "candlepin", everyone did just fine, including the little ones. A lot of laughs.
I"ve also been doing a lot of knitting. The kids have dubbed our house "The Hat Factory". Hats are easy to do and keep me engaged. Everyone in the family has a knitted hat by me and some are into their second. I have an incomplete kid's sweater I gave up on last summer, so I think I need to focus on that and "finish what I started". Since I got new glasses last week (my eysight had really deteriorated over the last few months....chemo related), I can see to knit a lot better and can now do some daytime, short trip driving. Steve wants to take me out for some practice first....I haven't been behind the wheel since last June. Watch out, Walpolians!!!
As we got to the end of the month, I had a short "break" from all the chemo pills and headed to Boston Medical Center for an evaluation. Turned out to be the usual day-long visit with a chest x-ray (fluid on the lungs is better), an echo-cardiagram, lots of lab tests (one "abnormal result",) and a good meeting with Dr. Sanchorawala and Anthony Shelton. My amyloid numbers (Kappa Light Chains) were down, but just a bit...2 points. Hard to feel excited, but "down" is always good!
We also attended the Support Group meeting. We met several people from around Massachusetts, plus a lovely woman from North Carolina who had never flown before or been to Boston (she was freezing!), but had been referred by her doctor , and a couple from Maine. She had had a stem cell transplant about a year and a half ago, and was feeling good and back to work. Two people (The lady from North Carolina and a man from Lowell) had just been diagnosed and were there for the first time. It was a really good meeting.
Back to the abnormal test result, I had to go back to BMC for a specialized test having to do with natural steroids in my system. After the test (and a IV shot of additional steroids), all is well. I was able to start the next clinical trial cycle on schedule on February 28th. So it's been underway for about a week.....other than feeling tired and having big naps in my yellow chair in the afternoon....I"m doing fine. I actually made Chocolate chip cookies last night (first time in MONTHS). I needed some help from Steve....stirring the dough, etc...but they came out great.
So, as we head into the "longest month".....a lot of snow has melted, the brook in the backyard is flowing nicely and the sun is out. I predict at least one more snowstorm, but spring is definitely on its way.
Keep the positive comments coming...I love to hear from my "followers". :) XXXXX