Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

Hello, everyone.  It's time for an update........The last month has had it's ups and downs.  The new chemo regimen has been OK. The steroids help keep my appetite up and have given me a bit more energy.  On the other hand, the "Dex" creates a lot of extra fluid around my lungs and causes swelling.  So, I'm back to having a cough and wheezing.  But the doctors are monitoring me daily; Steve sends my "vitals" to them via email every morning.  Drugs are adjusted daily.  Steve keeps track of all the prescriptions (at least 19 per day! ) and has a detailed medication chart (created by our daughter in law Brooke) that we use.

We've got our Christmas tree and Dickens Village up and decorated, thanks to Alan, Matt and Sarah. I've ordered most of our Christmas gifts on-line.  Janet Robinson took me to the Walpole Mall today for my final shopping trip.  We used the wheelchair and it truly is a blessing.  I always resist using it; Steve insists and he is always right!  So, now I need to wrap, and maybe get some cards out. We'll see......

The French family (Weatherbees, etc.) Family Christmas party is this Saturday.  We're up to about 50 people just in the "immediate" family...there has been a baby birth explosion over the last couple of years.  We rent a hall so the kids can run wild. Santa comes, too. It's a gathering I've been looking forward to for weeks!  I'm sure I'll come home and take a nap after....

At the end of this cycle in late December, the doctors will be taking a Kappa Light Chain blood test to see if there has been any change in the Amyloidosis.  I hope so!  Please say a prayer...

I"ll send an update in early 2011.  In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
